Shipping & Warranty Policy
Shipping Policy
-- When will be order shipped?
We will notify you within 2-5 Business Days of order placement on your shipping details including tracking number. As the order will be shipped from China mainland, there will be 1 or 2 days before the tracking number updated.
-- What's the shipping method?
All packages will be shipped door to door under DHL, FedEx, or other express company in your country.
-- Who will bear the tariff charge?
Buyers will be bearing the tariff cost (if there's any).
Warranty Policy
We are always happy to provide straight forward and quick service for you.
We guarantee our knives against manufacturing defects in material and construction and to perform as advertised when properly used and maintained.
We provide limited lifetime warranty for all knives listed in our website. Customers can send email to with description of the issue and any relevant information including product name, purchase order number and product pictures to determine the issue. If it's needed to send the product back to us, please contact us before you ship. We will be happy to help.